Sunday, September 28, 2014

Followers of Ethiopian Orthodox Church colorfully celebrate True Cross

Followers of Ethiopian Orthodox Church colorfully celebrate True Cross

Addis Ababa, 26 September 2014 (WIC) - Followers of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church colorfully celebrated Demera’ (bonfire)  today at Meskel Square. 

Hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christianity believers in Addis Ababa participated in the bonfire celebrations of  the finding of the True Cross (Meskel Festival) accompanied by a number of  government officials, tourists and Foreign Diplomats.

In his remark, His  Holiness Arch Bishop Mathias, the Patriarch of  Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church said that we have to renew our  vows  to  exert efforts  in realizing the development and  peace  of  the nation while celebrating  Meskel Festivity.

This  year’s celebration  differs from the previous ones for  Ethiopian  ‘Meskel Festival’  has already  registered  as  world heritage  by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO),  he said.
The Bishop forwarded his congratulatory message to all Ethiopians for that achievement.
“The development of the country has emanated from the unity, peace and togetherness of all Ethiopians,” the Bishop said.

Deputy mayor of  Addis  Ababa  City Abate Setotaw ,on his part said  that the registration of Ethiopian ‘Meskel’ as world   heritage has a significant role not only in building the  positive  image  but also  help to boost   tourism.

Ethiopia is well known for its religious tolerance for years, the Deputy Mayor said, adding that as religious freedom and equality has already guaranteed and respected, the people should strive against poverty.
Ethiopians have been celebrating this day for millennium following Eleni excavated the True Cross in Jerusalem.

It was known that in the year 326, Queen Helena (Empress Helen) the Mother of Constantine the Great, discovered the cross upon which Christ was crucified. Unable to find the Holy Sepulchre, she prayed for help and was directed by the smoke from a burning fire as to where the cross was buried.
After unearthing the Holy Cross, Queen Helena lit torches heralding her success.  In the Middle Ages, the Patriarch of Alexandria gave the Ethiopian Emperor Dawit half of the True Cross in return for protection afforded to the Coptic Christians.  A fragment of the True Cross is reputedly held at the Gishen Mariam, about 70 kilometers northwest of Dessie.

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