Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Italy is keen to work strategically with Ethiopia

Italy is keen to work strategically with Ethiopia

Addis Ababa (HAN) September 30, 2014 – Investment and National security news. The Ethiopian Foriegn minister  Tedros met with Mr. Pestilli, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy, on Friday  in New York, on the margins of the 69th UN General Assembly. Mr. Pestilli said that Italy was keen to work with Ethiopia to address the problem of immigration and its root causes. The problem which has become a major concern for Italy is said to top Italy’s priority.
The vice Minister said Italy is keen to work with Ethiopia on the issue . A conference on migration for the East Africa region is scheduled to take place next month in Addis Ababa under the auspices of the EU and Italy. Mr. Pestilli said he discussed the need for a holistic approach to deal with the problem of immigration when he had talked to State Minister Ambassador Berhane Gebre-Christos during his visit to Ethiopia in July. They had agreed that the key to address the problem of immigration at its root was creating job opportunities for African youth.
For Somalia and Eritrea Issues: The stabilisation of Somalia is a commitment that Italy “has undertaken to support and that was one even when they weren’t getting so much attention”, underscored Minister for Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino as she spoke in London with journalists in May 2013, the margins of the international conference on the future of that Horn of Africa.  Italy’s involvement has also been aimed at “convincing others in Europe to follow suit”, she added, stressing that Italy considers the Somali government a “partner” who is “assuming its responsibilities” in the process under way.

This could be done by exploiting the comparative advantages of Africa through increased FDI flow in addition to addressing the problems of human rights abuse in countries like Eritrea, where so many youngsters saw migration as the only way out to escape the hopeless situation at home. Bilateral development cooperation and trade relations should also take this into consideration. Dr. Tedros thanked the Government of Italy for its attention to the need to address the problem of immigration and its consequent encouragement for more Italian companies to invest in Ethiopia, and in Africa at large. He welcomed Italy’s decision to open an Investment Coordination Office for Africa in Addis Ababa, and the talks held by Mr. Pestilli with the Prime Minister and other senior officials to strengthen the relationship of the two countries.
In addition to its current development cooperation, Italy has agreed to commit 98 million euro of development assistance over the period 2013- 2015. Dr. Tedros also briefed Mr. Pestilli on the current situation in Somalia and in South Sudan. He said the IGAD-moderated South Sudanese negotiations in Bahr Dar were moving well, and Somalia was showing positive political and security progress with its leaders demonstrating a commitment to a stable Somalia. On Eritrea, Dr. Tedros expressed his concern over the continuing human rights violations including the continued detention without charge, trial or legal counsel of the eleven prominent politicians held since September 18, 2001, as well as continued detention of numerous journalists, also held without charge or trial.
Equally, he said, Eritrea’s continued interference in the region and its efforts to destabilize showed there had been no changes in Eritrean policy. He said the international community should urge the Government of Eritrea to stop supporting Al-Shabaab, respect international laws and fully co-operate with the UN, AU and other partners to ensure peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.
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